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Audtax | 360º view
This 360-degree view of your payment processing and merchant service provider fee structure helps us identify immediate savings for you — well beyond the discount rate. We also provide you with an understanding of your current pricing structure, transaction fees, assessment fees, excessive plan fees, and more. But that’s just the beginning. Ongoing savings are also realized as we help you gain an understanding of how the processing of each credit card transaction — and even the type of card used — can affect your processing level qualification and result in costly downgrades. These two factors alone can send your payment processing costs skyrocketing. The ISOs and merchant service providers are not going to tell you this because those downgrades and the associated fees just help them make more profit
Discount Rate
Charge Detail per Card Brand
Per Item Fees
Card Assessment Fees Merchant
Marketplace Discount Rate
Qualified Transactions
Interchange Pricing Benchmark
Transactions Statement Fee Accuracy
Gross vs. Net Billing
Contract Analysis Miscellaneous Plan
Statement Fee Accuracy
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